Simple Tips and Resources for Natural Health

Start Your Morning Right: 10 Best and Healthiest Tips to Help You Kick-Start Your Day

Starting your day on the right foot improves your productivity, increases your energy, and helps you get more done. There are many things that can help you get up and running in the morning. Here are 10 of the best tips to help you get started on your day the right way.

1) Get outside for at least 20 minutes each morning

2) Exercise before breakfast

3) Have a healthy breakfast

4) Drink lots of water

5) Journal or meditate

6) Listen to uplifting music

7) Make your bed

8) Have a positive attitude about what’s coming ahead

9) Drink green tea

10) Get in touch with nature

Photo by olia danilevich on

1. Get outside for at least 20 minutes each morning

We’re lucky to live in a world where we can enjoy nearly endless hours of light each day. But, despite the fact that we have so much free time available, many of us don’t use it to our advantage and find ourselves stuck inside.

The solution? Get outside.

Scientists have found that spending at least 20 minutes outside each morning can have a significant impact on your mood, energy levels, and productivity. It’s also been found that spending too much time indoors is linked with depression and decreased cognitive function. So take a little break from your screens and get outside for a healthy dose of nature—it’s good for you!

2. Exercise before breakfast

Exercise has been proven to help you feel better, and it can also reduce stress. It’s important that you get your body moving before breakfast to ensure that your body isn’t going to be stressed due to lack of movement.

So, if you don’t have time in the morning for a full exercise session, try breaking up your workout into smaller chunks throughout the day. You could do jumping jacks, squats, lunges and push-ups for 5 minutes at a time.

3. Have a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which is why it’s so important to have a healthy breakfast. The best way to start your day off right is with a nutritious, low-calorie breakfast that will give you enough energy for the rest of your day.

Some tips to consider include having protein such as eggs, yogurt, or nuts for breakfast and eating something sweet like fruit. Breakfast should also be filling and not leave you feeling hungry an hour later.

4. Drink lots of water

It’s not an exaggeration to say that hydration is the most important thing you can do for your body. When you’re dehydrated, your brain isn’t working at its optimal capacity. Your cognitive functions are impaired and your mood will suffer.

When you drink lots of water, you’ll feel better and have more energy throughout the day. Additionally, it helps flush out toxins from your system and keeps your skin glowing and healthy. No matter what time of day it is, drinking plenty of water can help increase productivity and make life easier on yourself.

5. Journal or meditate

The benefits of journaling or meditating are endless. Research has shown that journaling and meditation have positive effects on health and happiness, and can decrease anxiety, depression, anger, and other negative emotions.

Journaling or mediting for 20-30 minutes each morning helps you start your day on the right foot. The time flies by as you write about what happened yesterday or what’s going on today. You may not always need to write about it; journaling can be done without words as well.

Meditation is another way to get in touch with your thoughts and feelings by tuning out the world around you. This allows for a more productive morning routine.

6. Listen to uplifting music

Starting your day on the right foot improves your productivity and helps you get more done. There are many things that can help you get up and running in the morning. Here are 10 of the best tips to help you get started on your day the right way.

7. Make your bed

Making your bed each morning is a small but significant way to start your day. It’s important because it makes you feel accomplished, which will make you feel more confident. Making your bed also gives you a sense of pride that comes with doing something well. If you don’t have time to make your bed in the morning, use an app like Clean My Space instead.

Take the time to make your bed and your day will be more productive and rewarding. A recent study showed that people who made their beds each morning experienced higher levels of happiness and self-esteem than those who didn’t.

8. Have a positive attitude about what’s coming ahead

A positive attitude about what’s coming ahead is good for the whole day. It will help you stay calm and stay on task, which in turn will lead to a better work day.

Eating breakfast also helps with productivity. In fact, research from Brigham Young University found that people who eat breakfast are more productive than those who don’t. This is because breakfast boosts concentration and mood, and gives you energy for the day. It’s not just the food that makes you productive; it’s what you do after breakfast as well.

A morning workout can also help your mood while boosting your energy levels and stamina. And drinking lots of water throughout the day will keep your brain alert and hydrated.

9. Drink green tea

Green tea can help you make the most of your day. It’s full of antioxidants, minerals, and nutrients that will positively impact your health. Drink green tea after breakfast or in the morning for a little pick-me-up!

Watch out for these other green tea benefits:

• Helps reduce cholesterol

• Helps fight fatigue

• Fights insomnia

• Improves cognitive function and boosts alertness

• Increases energy levels

So, start your day with a healthy dose of green tea!

10. Get in touch with nature

The outdoors have the potential to inspire a sense of nature’s beauty and wonder. But even if you’re not near a forest or lakeside, you can find peace and serenity in your own backyard.

If you’re looking for ways to incorporate more nature into your life, try starting your day by taking a walk outside. It’s also a good idea to make time for some time outdoors throughout the week. Research shows that people who spend time outside experience increased levels of happiness and well-being.

So, grab some friends and head out on an adventure!

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