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10 Health Myths, Debunked

We know the health benefits of exercise, but sometimes we need a little convincing. With so many myths out there, it can be tough to figure out what works and what doesn’t. But that’s why you need this list of ten health myths that have been debunked by science. It will help you decide whether or not a certain habit is worth keeping up. For example, did you know that your drinking coffee can help you live longer? Or, that cold showers are good for your memory? Find out today and start enjoying your life more!

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What are some health myths?

There are many health myths out there, but some of the most common ones are:

– Eating eggs causes cholesterol problems

– Drinking alcohol can improve your memory

– Eating red meat will make you gain weight

– Smoking is good for you

10 Health Myths, Debunked.

Myth: Your body needs to be constantly active in order to live a longer life.

Debunked! The truth is that exercise has many health benefits, but it’s not the only way. You can live a long life and maintain an active lifestyle by doing things like walking, gardening, or playing sports.

Myth: Drinking more water will help you lose weight.

Debunked! Although drinking more water may give you the illusion of being thinner, it’s not actually helping you with your weight loss goals. In fact, drinking too much water could make your kidneys work harder and cause dehydration. In order to lose weight and remain healthy, drink enough water but also eat nutritious meals and exercise regularly.

Myth: If a person doesn’t wear sunscreen, they’ll get skin cancer.

Debunked! There are lots of factors in preventing skin cancer including staying out of the sun between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun is at its strongest and wearing sunscreen each day—but these two steps alone aren’t enough for prevention purposes. The best way to prevent skin cancer is by getting rid of any unhealthy habits such as smoking or spending too much time in the tanning bed.

Myth: You should always buy organic produce if you want to avoid pesticides on your food.

Debunked! Although certain pesticides can be harmful to humans when ingested over a prolonged period of time, there are some pesticides that are completely safe for our bodies like those used on fruits and


Here are 10 health myths that you may have heard before, but are probably not true. These myths could be causing you unnecessary worry and stress about your health. If you still believe these myths, it might be time to speak to a medical professional.

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